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A relationship program designed for your relationship.

We took the best parts from traditional couples counseling and over 60 years of relationship research
and turned it into the world’s first guided therapeutic app for every kind of relationship.

Here's how it works...

1. Clarify your needs.

We developed a list of the all-time most important 24 Relationship Needs based on decades of research into the answers to just one question: What do you and your partner need to be happy?

These needs are universal things like feeling safe, or being understood. Everybody feels them, we just help you name them.

You choose which ones are most important to you and how satisfied you are with each of them. Then, you work through therapeutic exercises based on each need together, one at a time, until your satisfaction levels improve.

2. Learn how to resolve conflict.

The thing about feelings is that they can be difficult to understand—and even harder to explain. Especially when we were never taught what healthy conflict looks like. And how we argue can either grow or break our relationships.

That’s why we built a course specifically designed to show you how to do just that. So you and your partner can finally learn how to express yourselves, listen to each other, and yes, even fight, in a healthier, empathy-based way. So you can express the conflict, resolve the conflict, and move on.

3. And repeat.

Our relationships are made up of many cycles and phases, because we’re all changing and growing day by day. We need our relationships to do it, too.

The CoupleWise Cycle is easy: You keep identifying needs you’re dissatisfied with, you keep improving them, your relationships get better, repeat.

CoupleWise is different, because it works.

Advice sites and self-help books don’t really work because advice alone doesn’t change behavior.

Do you know what does? Small changes done consistently over time.


That’s how you change your behavior, and your relationship. And that’s us, baby.


And there’s more to CoupleWise—more exercises to reduce stress and improve intimacy, hundreds of games to put some fun back into your relationship, plus Q&A sessions with best-selling relationship authors like Dr. John Gray (Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus) and more…


We’re here for you. We’re CoupleWise.


Get CoupleWise + Unlimited appointments with a licensed therapist.
All for one price.

Now, your CoupleWise subscription comes with Tele-Therapy. So you get the 24/7 care of CoupleWise plus virtual appointments with a licensed therapist for the same price. No co-pays. No extra fees. No insurance companies. Just real, committed help for your most important relationship.

Our couples love us.

And the feeling is mutual.