Heather Edwards

Everyday is Valentine’s Day

This article is written by Heather Edwards, LMHC, NCC, BCC Psychotherapist, Life Coach, and Blog Editor in Chief of Couplewise.  It is originally posted on her blog at NewYorkPsychotherapyandLifeCoaching.com .  In this piece she suggests ways to celebrate your love everyday. Valentine’s Day is the day of love notes, red roses, and heart shaped chocolates. […]

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4 Tips For Making a Good Marriage Better

We’re easily swept up in the activities of our everyday lives.  Often, we find comfort and safety in the predictability of the status quo.  We establish routine, a flow to each day, and somewhat mindlessly move from one thing to the next.  In this article Phyllis Goldberg, Phd, MFT , Therapist, Relationship Coach, and one […]

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10 Tips for Fair Fighting

10 easy tips for fair fighting will simplify and calm the way you respond to conflict.  Having a few ready-made tools can improve your success in navigating those dreaded heated moments with your partner.  Being mindful, factual, and empathic are just a few of the basic skills that deescalate potentially problematic interactions. It’s never too […]

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5 Easy Tips to Strengthen Your Marriage

In this blog written by Heather Edwards, LMHC and Mark Banschick, MD originally published in Psychology Today, five simple tips are offered to breathe new energy into your marriage. It’s Time to Kick-Start Your Marriage: It’s easy to get caught up in work, childcare, managing your home, and keeping up with bills. The day to […]

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