
How to motivate your partner (special program)

Do you know what the all-time most popular post on our blog is? It’s called Motivating Your Partner to Improve the Relationship. Month after month, this post is #1… which can only mean that this question is really important to you. So of course we asked Dr. John Gray for his thoughts on the matter. […]

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REPORT: “What Works in Marriage and Relationship Education?”

If anyone still has doubts that short-term, inexpensive, skill-building, educational interventions can be powerfully effective in improving and even saving marriages, we at believe you will find this read a powerful inspiration. Give it read and post a comment or two. Start by clicking the image below. Don’t forget to come back and comment. […]

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Money and Vulnerabilty

By Sharon Jackson Money is one of those topics that can be a hot button for many people, especially people in new relationships or even in long-term relationships.  It’s a charged subject.  The article, “Buy, Sell, or Hold your Relationship, explores the territory of money as it relates to those feelings of commitment, trust, vulnerability […]

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