I don’t know if you’ve looked out your window lately – but we’re in something of a tight spot. A few simultaneous, overlapping, cataclysmic tight spots, actually. COVID-19, an increasingly bitter election cycle, nationwide protests, the west coast is on fire… all of these things have been on our minds, and we knew they’d have […]
Five Things You Should NEVER Say to Your Spouse

(…via Simple Things Matter) The words you say to the one you love are important! Negative and hurtful comments can damage your relationship. Make no mistake about that. Here are the five things you should NEVER say to your spouse: 1. It’s your fault! Sometimes, a financial decision goes bad, one of your children gets […]
10 Tips for Fair Fighting
10 easy tips for fair fighting will simplify and calm the way you respond to conflict. Having a few ready-made tools can improve your success in navigating those dreaded heated moments with your partner. Being mindful, factual, and empathic are just a few of the basic skills that deescalate potentially problematic interactions. It’s never too […]
Transition to the Five-to-One Ratio
The following is from the book “Fire Up Your Communication Skills” (ISBN 09657620-6- 8) by Fire “Captain Bob” Smith. He is a recognized expert and speaker/author on stress, communication and relationship skills. He is a humorist, coach, entrepreneur and frequent talk show guest. He also produces customized presentations for career and personal growth. To book […]