
Money and Vulnerabilty

By Sharon Jackson Money is one of those topics that can be a hot button for many people, especially people in new relationships or even in long-term relationships.  It’s a charged subject.  The article, “Buy, Sell, or Hold your Relationship, explores the territory of money as it relates to those feelings of commitment, trust, vulnerability […]

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The Marriage Plot

By Sharon Jackson “When Elizabeth Weil and Dan Duane married  in July 2000, they made a straightforward pact; no cheating, no dying. Other less dramatic problems might lie on the horizon, like money (both are writers) and religion (she’s Jewish, he’s not).  Over time, neither of these issues created difficulties, but nine years and two […]

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Does Couples Therapy Work?

By Sharon Jackson The recent New York Times article, “Does Couples Therapy Work?”   touched upon an interesting dilemma among practicing  therapists who treat couples.  That dilemma being how difficult it is to sit in a room with two people, who in most cases, are at war with each other. Dr. Barbara Bartlik, M.D., has this to […]

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It’s Ok to Let Your Children See You Fight

By Sharon Jackson The New York Times Blog featured an article, “It’s Ok To Let Your Children Fight.” Click here  to read the full article. Conflict in any form is always a delicate matter to navigate well, and when children are involved, it requires even more skill. Psychiatrist, Barbara Bartlik, M.D. had this to say about fighting in […]

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The Role of Technology in Love Relationships: An Interview with CoupleWise Co-Founder, Gary Krane, Part II

By J. D. Peterson Last week we spoke with Dr. Gary Krane, founder of the CoupleWise multi-media online relationship-improvement service, to find out how this venture came about (see article “My Journey,” and where it fits into the field of modern relationship counseling.  In this installment of the interview, Gary discusses the challenges his […]

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Motivating Your Partner to Improve the Relationship

By J. D. Peterson and Gary Krane So your relationship isn’t perfect—that’s good!  If you thought it was perfect, you’d either be in denial, or putting way too much pressure on your mate, or maybe you’re just unaware of your partner’s dark side (we’ve all got one).  Still, you think it could be better (and maybe […]

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