Money and Vulnerabilty

Money and Vulnerabilty

By Sharon Jackson

Money is one of those topics that can be a hot button for many people, especially people in new relationships or even in long-term relationships.  It’s a charged subject.  The article, “Buy, Sell, or Hold your Relationship, explores the territory of money as it relates to those feelings of commitment, trust, vulnerability and control in intimate relationships.

Licensed Psychotherapist, Linda Garcia-Rose has this to say about the Forbes article: “Let’s start with a positive about this article. When I ask couples, “How much time a week do you spend on your relationships?” Many do not understand what I mean.  To edify, “How much time a week do you spend at work?” How much time a week do you spend at the gym?” The point being, most people do not consciously spend time working on their relationships as they do other areas of their lives.  So the work analogy certainly has some value.  I agree that many people who are successful in their careers are not successful in their relationships.  However, treating an intimate relationship as something one…”should buy, sell or hold,” is disturbing on so many levels from a therapeutic perspective.”

“In this world of instant gratification, it is easy enough to end a relationship instead of working on it. Certainly some do not work and analyzing what is working and areas of improvement are key components of having a healthy relationship.  But selling or trading in your partner is not the answer!”

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