
Got Relationship Blues?

Hint: Stop Criticizing Why endless criticism is doomed to failure. Published on April 4, 2014 by Mark Banschick, M.D. in Psychology Today Look at your relationship. The problems seem obvious. But, what are the solutions? This guest blog by Heather Edwards, breaks down relationship problems into a digestible form,making it easier for you to do what’s needed to be happier. The Good […]

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Four Horsemen and Michelangelo

In this article, Heather Edwards sheds light on what makes relationships thrive – and what makes them destined for doom.  It was originally published on her blog, New York Psychotherapy and Life Coaching. She is a Psychotherapist and Life Coach, and the Blog Editor in Chief of Couplewise.               […]

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Everyday is Valentine’s Day

This article is written by Heather Edwards, LMHC, NCC, BCC Psychotherapist, Life Coach, and Blog Editor in Chief of Couplewise.  It is originally posted on her blog at .  In this piece she suggests ways to celebrate your love everyday. Valentine’s Day is the day of love notes, red roses, and heart shaped chocolates. […]

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Got a New Years Resolution to Revitalize Your Relationship?

Try These 7 Tips for a Happier Marriage/Committed Relationship: We all know sustaining strong, healthy relationships can be challenging.  What most of us really want to know is how to stop arguing, nagging, or getting bored and annoyed with each other. How can we get our relationship back to where it was when it started? […]

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5 Pro-Sexual Scripts to Improve Your Sex Life

It’s all too easy to function on auto-pilot. Richard Nicastro, Ph.D., a Psychologist and Marriage/Couples Counselor in Las Cruces, New Mexico talks about the mental scripts that influence our thought and behavior patterns on a conscious and unconscious level. Whether we realize it or not, they are our constant companion – we even take them […]

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Love as an Action Word

Lisa Firestone, PhD Director of Research and Education at The Glendon Association, teaches us that when we challenge our internal self critic, we enhance our self worth and open ourselves to the people we love.  She offers several behavioral measures of loving gestures and secrets to happiness according to a recent Harvard study.  Read further to […]

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10 Tips for Fair Fighting

10 easy tips for fair fighting will simplify and calm the way you respond to conflict.  Having a few ready-made tools can improve your success in navigating those dreaded heated moments with your partner.  Being mindful, factual, and empathic are just a few of the basic skills that deescalate potentially problematic interactions. It’s never too […]

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Arguments as Opportunities for Intimacy and Empathy in Your Relationship

Many couples find themselves repeating the same fight. The patterns become habitual and ineffective ways of meeting needs and resolving conflict. But what if couples hit the pause button and first determined their goal? Before responding to your partner consider this, “What is most important to me? Is it the quality of this relationship or […]

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5 Easy Tips to Strengthen Your Marriage

In this blog written by Heather Edwards, LMHC and Mark Banschick, MD originally published in Psychology Today, five simple tips are offered to breathe new energy into your marriage. It’s Time to Kick-Start Your Marriage: It’s easy to get caught up in work, childcare, managing your home, and keeping up with bills. The day to […]

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Transition to the Five-to-One Ratio

The following is from the book “Fire Up Your Communication Skills” (ISBN 09657620-6- 8) by Fire “Captain Bob” Smith. He is a recognized expert and speaker/author on stress, communication and relationship skills. He is a humorist, coach, entrepreneur and frequent talk show guest. He also produces customized presentations for career and personal growth. To book […]

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