8 Gentle Parenting Phrases That Teach Your Child Patience

8 Gentle Parenting Phrases That Teach Your Child Patience

There are many different gentle parenting phrases that will teach your child some patience. When you tell your child that you understand them and you’ll be there soon, you are showing them empathy. You are also showing them that you hear them and care about what they are saying. When you explain to your child you can only do one thing at a time, you are showing them that you are human and not a superhero. Finally, make sure to always pay attention to your child’s feelings.

Key Takeaways:

  • When you tell your child you understand them and you’ll be there soon, it shows empathy.
  • Telling your child you hear them and you want to help is a great way of showing you care about them.
  • Telling you kid you can only do one thing at a time reminds your child that you are just a human.

“Before you know it you give in because you want to keep the peace.”

Read more: https://wordfromthebird.blog/the-blog/how-to-teach-child-patience/

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