
How to motivate your partner (special program)

Do you know what the all-time most popular post on our blog is? It’s called Motivating Your Partner to Improve the Relationship. Month after month, this post is #1… which can only mean that this question is really important to you. So of course we asked Dr. John Gray for his thoughts on the matter. […]

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10 Ways to Resolve Marital Conflict

Who doesn’t love a wedding? But with months and months of planning, it only lasts a short while – and then there’s the marriage. If history is prologue, neither former first daughter, Chelsea Clinton, nor longtime boyfriend, Marc Mezvinsky, had great role models for marital bliss. And that’s even without the religious issues – she […]

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Four Horsemen and Michelangelo

In this article, Heather Edwards sheds light on what makes relationships thrive – and what makes them destined for doom.  It was originally published on her blog, New York Psychotherapy and Life Coaching. She is a Psychotherapist and Life Coach, and the Blog Editor in Chief of Couplewise.               […]

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