Did you know that stress over finances is one of the leading causes for spiking levels of anxiety and depression and other serious mental health issues? Inflation is wreaking havoc on our finances—and probably putting stress on your relationship. It’s one of the top issues couples argue about. At CoupleWise we are a […]
How to motivate your partner (special program)
Do you know what the all-time most popular post on our blog is? It’s called Motivating Your Partner to Improve the Relationship. Month after month, this post is #1… which can only mean that this question is really important to you. So of course we asked Dr. John Gray for his thoughts on the matter. […]
Q&A with Dr. John Gray: his take on COVID-19 and its impact on relationships
I don’t know if you’ve looked out your window lately – but we’re in something of a tight spot. A few simultaneous, overlapping, cataclysmic tight spots, actually. COVID-19, an increasingly bitter election cycle, nationwide protests, the west coast is on fire… all of these things have been on our minds, and we knew they’d have […]
Q&A with Dr. John Gray: what can we do to improve our communication skills? (Parts I – IV)
We believe in a lot of stuff here at CoupleWise – the slimming power of a good pair of pants, that Al Green’s pharmacy meme (look it up), a thing called love – but top of the list has to be COMMUNICATION. We’re almost never taught how to do it very well – there’s no […]
Q&A with Dr. John Gray: is there a right way to apologize? (Parts I & II)
Everybody knows: for whatever reason, apologizing is tough. But, we have to do it – sometimes, we have to do it a lot – and usually, we do it the wrong way: We try to spread the blame around, or say those terrible words, “If what I said upset you, then I”m sorry” (which, of […]
Q&A with Dr. John Gray: what is the foundation of a long-lasting relationship?
We’re back with Dr. John Gray (author of Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus), and we gave him a total softball question this time: What is the foundation of a long-lasting relationship? He makes it look as easy as pie. Namely, that we need to better understand the roles we’ve chosen, and learn […]
Q&A with Dr. John Gray: what impact did “Men are from Mars…” have on relationships?
One of Dr. John Gray’s best-selling books is Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus, which is one of those books that even if you haven’t read it, you’ve heard of it. So today’s question is pretty straight forward: What changed in relationships after Men are from Mars? The answer might surprise […]
Five Things You Should NEVER Say to Your Spouse
(…via Simple Things Matter) The words you say to the one you love are important! Negative and hurtful comments can damage your relationship. Make no mistake about that. Here are the five things you should NEVER say to your spouse: 1. It’s your fault! Sometimes, a financial decision goes bad, one of your children gets […]
Got a New Years Resolution to Revitalize Your Relationship?
Try These 7 Tips for a Happier Marriage/Committed Relationship: We all know sustaining strong, healthy relationships can be challenging. What most of us really want to know is how to stop arguing, nagging, or getting bored and annoyed with each other. How can we get our relationship back to where it was when it started? […]
4 Tips For Making a Good Marriage Better
We’re easily swept up in the activities of our everyday lives. Often, we find comfort and safety in the predictability of the status quo. We establish routine, a flow to each day, and somewhat mindlessly move from one thing to the next. In this article Phyllis Goldberg, Phd, MFT , Therapist, Relationship Coach, and one […]